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Sunday, 22 December 2013

New CRM 2013 SDK

New CRM 2013 SDK could be downloaded from the following link


This download inludes UII as well.

"User Interface Integration (UII) solution framework, which includes a deployment guide, development guide and api reference. UII uses Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the delivery of configuration data for the Integrated Agent Desktop. It includes development and run-time components. Applications built with UII can provide unified access to customer information across different systems and can aggregate different modes of customer interactions or channels." (REF: Microsoft CRM 2013 SDK Download).

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Form Notification in CRM 2013 using Javascript OR How to Display Form Level Notifications in CRM 2013 using Javascript

For Field Level Notifications, please refer the below post.

Form Notification is an interesting feature in CRM 2013.

Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification(message, level, uniqueId);
message- string
uniqueId- string
level - string, possible values are given below.
Following are the 3 possible form notifications ( Called Levels )
 ( CRM 2013 SDK )
  • ERROR : Notification will use the system error icon.
  • WARNING : Notification will use the system warning icon.
  • INFO : Notification will use the system info icon.
Lets try to understand this with a sample scenario. And later you could make changes as per your scenario.

Scenario: We have Credit limit and Annual revenue fields on the Account form. If the user enters a credit limit value greater than annual income and try to save the form, we need to notify the user with a message that the credit limit shouldn't cross the Annual revenue value. 

Here is the js code to display a 'Warning' notification.

function onSaveSetCreditLimitFormNotification()
var annualRevenue=Xrm.Page.getAttribute("revenue").getValue();
var creditLimit= Xrm.Page.getAttribute("creditlimit").getValue();

if(creditLimit > annualRevenue)
Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("Sorry, Credit Limit should be less than the Annual Income","WARNING","CreditlimitMessage");




In this case, we would call the function on the Onsave event of the form ( Account )

We need to include this code in a Webresource file and make the function call as shown below.

Save the form and  Publish it.The next step is to test the results.

So we got the warning notification as shown. And notification gets cleared for the right value.

Similarly we could have info notification

Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("Sorry, Credit Limit should be less than the Annual Income","INFO","CreditlimitMessage");

For which we gets the below info notifcation.

Error notification is also possible as show below.

Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification("Sorry, Credit Limit should be less than the Annual Income","ERROR","CreditlimitMessage");

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Ribbon Editor for CRM 2013 OR Ribbon Customization in CRM 2013 using tool

As you all know, Ribbon customization has got a great significance in CRM 2013 as well.

I would like to recommend the following Ribbon Customization tool. Please note that I haven't tried all scenarios but got good outcomes for the customization that I tried with this tool.

It provides a good overview of the Ribbon structure in CRM 2013. In my opinion its a nice tool.

The installation and short demo could be found in the below link. Also you could find the Ribbon Workbench download links.

Ribbon workbench by Scott Durow -- "http://www.develop1.net/public/page/Ribbon-Workbench-for-Dynamics-CRM-2011.aspx"

( Ref: http://www.develop1.net/public/page/Ribbon-Workbench-for-Dynamics-CRM-2011.aspx)

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

CRM 2013 - Supported Browsers and Mobile Devices

CRM 2013 - Supported Browsers and Mobile Devices

( Ref :  Implementation guide from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm/dn451296 )

"Users can access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web application on the most recent versions of the following browsers:

·      Internet Explorer on Windows

·      Firefox on Windows

·      Safari on Mac OS X

·      Chrome on Windows or Google Nexus 10

For a mobile device, such as an iPad or smartphone, the following apps are available:

·      Microsoft Dynamics CRM for iPad

·      Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Windows 8"

Saturday, 2 November 2013

What's new in CRM 2013 OR New Features in CRM 2013

Here is a list of some of the cool features in CRM 2013.

Quick View Forms in CRM 2013 --http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/quick-view-forms-in-crm-2013-or-how-to.html

Quick Create Forms in CRM 2013-- http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/quick-create-forms-in-crm-2013-or-how.html

Business Rules in CRM 2013 --http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/business-rules-in-crm-2013-or-how-to.html

Business Process Flows in CRM 2013 -- http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/process-guidance-in-crm-2013-or.html

Entity Images in CRM 2013 --http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/entity-image-in-crm-2013-or-image.html

Autosave feature in CRM 2013--http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/autosave-feature-in-crm-2013-or-how-to.html

Phone Numbe format in CRM 2013-- http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/phone-number-format-in-crm-2013-or-how.html

Lync Calls in CRM 2013 OR Click to Call feature in CRM 2013-- http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/lync-calls-from-crm-2013-or-how-to-make.html

Skype Calls in CRM 2013 OR Click to call feature in CRM 2013-- http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/skype-calls-from-crm-2013-or-how-to.html

How to get the Current User Id in CRM 2013 using javascript

Here is the javascript code snippet to retrieve the current user id in CRM 2013.

var userId = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();

(Ref : CRM 2013 SDK )

How to get the Id of the Current Record in CRM 2013 using javascript

With reference to CRM 2013 SDK, here is the code snippet to retrieve the id of the current record in CRM 2013 using javascript.

var recordId = Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId();

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

How to Set Focus on a Control in CRM 2013 using javascript

How to Set Focus on a Control in CRM 2013 using javascript

For instance,
Where creditlimit is the field name

How to Show / Hide a Field / Control in CRM 2013 using javascript

With reference to CRM 2013 SDK,



For instance,
creditlimit is the attribute name

How to Set Requirement Level in CRM 2013 using javascript OR Required, Recommended Setting in CRM 2013 using javascript

In CRM 2013, we could set the requirement level on the attribute using javascript.
requirementLevel property could have any of the following 3 values.
  • none
  • required
  • recommended
( Ref: CRM 2013 SDK)
For instance,

Field Level Notification in CRM 2013 using javascript OR Control Level Notification in CRM 2013 using javascript

Version used for this post: CRM 2013 Online Trial

In CRM 2013, we could provide custom field level notifications. Lets see how could we do this. Please note that field level notification could be achieved using business rules as well. 
Please refer the post :http://crmorion.blogspot.com/2013/10/business-rules-in-crm-2013-or-how-to.html

Scenario: We have Credit limit and Annual revenue fields on the Account form. If the user enters a credit limit value greater than annual income, we need to notify the user with a message that the credit limit shouldn't cross the Annual revenue value. 

So we are going to do this using javascript.

Well, lets listen to CRM 2013 SDK for a moment.

Display a message near the control to indicate that data is not valid. When this method is used on Microsoft Dynamics CRM for tablets a red "X" icon appears next to the control. Tapping on the icon will display the message." ( Ref: CRM 2013 SDK ) 

Nota Bene: Setting a notification on a control will block the form from saving. 

This means that if there is a notification, the user needs to resolve it first and then he / she would be able to save the form.

1. Firstly we need to define a javascript function in web resource. Either we could go to Solution ( Default solution ) --> Webresource --> Add web resource OR Update in an existing web resource  OR Navigate to Account Form and then choose the field Credit Limit-->Field Properties--> Events -- > Add OR Modify Form Library

Account Form

Credit Limit Field

2. Here is the Javascript code. And its not a hard nut to crack

For our convenience, let's copy the code here

function SetCreditLimit()
var annualRevenue=Xrm.Page.getAttribute("revenue").getValue();
var creditLimit= Xrm.Page.getAttribute("creditlimit").getValue();

if(creditLimit > annualRevenue)
Xrm.Page.getControl("creditlimit").setNotification("Sorry, Credit Limit should be less than the Annual Income");


Please note the key functions used in this javascript code.

setNotification - To display a notification about a control

clearNotification - To remove the notification about a control

In this scenario, we would like to have notification if the credit limit is more than the annual revenue otherwise we do not want to display any notification.

creditlimit and revenue are the field names.

After adding the js code, Save the webresource content.

3. The next step is to call this function on the onchange event of Credit limit field.

4. Next is our no-brainer, Press OK, Save the form and publish the form.

5. Now lets pick up a sample account to test. Please note the annual income value on it.

6. Lets key in some value in the Credit limit field and test the result. In this case, we could see a red X and if we move the cursor on it then we could see the message as shown below.

7. Also lets try to key in a value which is less than the annual income.

8. As we could see, there is no notification in this case and the user could save the record.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

CRM 2013 app for Tablets

The following link from Microsoft Customer Center provides us the relevant information about the CRM 2013 app for tablets ( for windows 8 users and iPad users).


( Ref: Microsoft Dynamice CRM 2013 Customer Centre)

Getting Ready for Dynamics CRM 2013 Release

As you all know we are getting closer to the Dynamics CRM 2013 Release. Microsoft has provided all relevant information about the CRM 2013 release. In the below link, you could find

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Global Premiere Event details
  • Many useful ebooks such as new features, pricing info etc.

( Ref: Microsoft Dynamice CRM 2013 Customer Centre)

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Phone Number Format in CRM 2013 OR How to Initiate Call from a Phone Number Field in CRM 2013

Related posts:

Lync Calls in CRM 2013

Skype Calls in CRM 2013

In CRM 2013, string attributes could be formatted to Phone number format. This is very useful when we need to make lync calls OR Skype calls. 

Nota Bene: When we define a string with Phone Number Format, the field will contain a link to initiate the call ( Could be Lync OR Skype - Based on settings ). This means when the user clicks on the field value, CRM will initiate the call. Please refer the related posts for further details on this.

Lets see how could we define the phone number format.

Dependent Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR Cascading Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR How to configure Dependent Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR 3- tier Option Sets sample in CRM 2013

Please note that this post is the continuation of the post below.

2 - tier option sets sample ( This post also explains the basics ) 

In this post we would like to extend the logic using the sample given in CRM 2013 SDK to include one more option set. In simple words, 3 - tier option sets. Dependency of these 3 fields are shown below.

For instance, if a user selects Hardware, he /she would be able to see options Desktop / Laptop. And if Desktop is selected, the user would be able to see Workstation x1000 and Workstation x2000.

So we have 3 option sets 

1. Category

 2 . Sub Category

3. Type

Hope you had a look at 

There are no changes to be done in the SDK.DependentOptionSet.js

SystemsOptionSetConfig.xml has to be amended with the new option set values as shown below.

<DependentOptionSetConfig entity="new_system" >
 <ParentField id="new_category"
  <DependentField id="new_subcategory"
                  label="Sub Category" />
  <Option value="100000001"
   <ShowOption value="100000000"
               label="Business App" />
   <ShowOption value="100000001"
               label="OS" />
  <Option value="100000000"
   <ShowOption value="100000002"
               label="Desktop" />
   <ShowOption value="100000003"
               label="Laptop" />
  <ParentField id="new_subcategory"
              label="Sub Category">
    <DependentField id="new_type"
                    label="Type" />
    <Option value="100000000"
            label="Business App">
      <ShowOption value="100000000"
                  label="CRM" />
      <ShowOption value="100000001"
                  label="HRM" />
    <Option value="100000001"
      <ShowOption value="100000003"
                  label="Windows 7" />
      <ShowOption value="100000002"
                  label="Windows 8" />
      <Option value="100000002"
        <ShowOption value="100000004"
                    label="Workstation x1000" />
        <ShowOption value="100000005"
                    label="Workstation x2000" />
      <Option value="100000003"
        <ShowOption value="100000006"
                    label="Laptop T410" />
        <ShowOption value="100000007"
                    label="Laptop T510" />

Nota Bene: In the above config xml file , we could see that in 2 places we defined parent field and the corresponding child field. And then corresponding values. The key advantages of this structure is that its extendable and also configurable.

Function calls to be done are explained  in

Additional function call to be done is on the Sub Category. 

id est : When the user selects the Sub Category, the Type option set to be filtered based on dependency.

We need to do the function call on the OnChange event of Sub Category. So lets click on Add.

Function: SDK.DependentOptionSet.filterDependentField

Parameters :  "new_subcategory", "new_type"

Okay and press Okay

We need to save and publish the form. Now get ready to see the magic.

Thank you CRM 2013 SDK !

Dependent Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR Cascading Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR How to configure Dependent Option Sets in CRM 2013 OR 2- tier Option Sets sample in CRM 2013

Version used for this post : CRM 2013 Online trial

This post is based on CRM 2013 SDK. Here we talk about how do we configure the dependent option set in CRM 2013. In order to understand this clearly, lets consider 2 - tier option set.The sample is also based on CRM 2013 SDK. Dependent option set is a bit hard to by coding. But its a common scenario. SDK provides the code sample for this. All we need to understand is how could we configure it.

Lets consider a scenario.

We have a custom entity called Systems. And it has 2 option sets.

1. Category- Values - Software, Hardware
2. Sub Category - Values - Business App, OS, Desktop and Laptop.

The option set values are dependent as shown in the below diagram.

For instance, when we select Software we should only see Business App and OS.

 Firstly we need to understand the steps to be done for this functionality. From a helicopter view,
  • Option sets should be defined with necessary values.
  • XML Config file ( Here we define the dependency, sample is given below. We need to upload this file as a webresource)
  • SDK.DependentOptionSet.js  ( Could be found in SDK\SampleCode\JS\FormScripts . We need to upload this file as a webresource)
  • Js function calls to be done.
1.  Lets have a quick look at the option sets.


Sub Category:

2.  The next step is to configure the xml file. Its based on the option set values as shown below.

Here is the contents of our XML file - SystemsOptionSetConfig.xml

<DependentOptionSetConfig entity="new_system" >

 <ParentField id="new_category"
  <DependentField id="new_subcategory"
                  label="Sub Category" />
  <Option value="100000001"
   <ShowOption value="100000000"
               label="Business App" />
   <ShowOption value="100000001"
               label="OS" />
  <Option value="100000000"
   <ShowOption value="100000002"
               label="Desktop" />
   <ShowOption value="100000003"
               label="Laptop" />

Entity name, field names and values should be defined correctly. Also structure is important as the SDK dependent option set js works based on this. 
Here Parent field is Category and the dependent field is Sub Category. Dependency is defined in terms of Option and Showoption.

3. We need to double check the values, as the dependency is purely defined in the above xml.

4. Lets upload the xml config file. Please note that the name of the webresource xml is "new_SystemsOptionSetConfig.xml". After save operation, we need to publish the webresource.

5. We need to upload the SDK.DependentOptionSet.js ( located in SDK\SampleCode\JS\FormScripts ) as a webresource. The next step is to save and publish this webresource. Please note that the name of this js file is new_SDK.DependentOptionSet.js. This js file is the core of this functionality.

6. Next step is to configure form. So lets navigate to System entity form.We need to add our core js code to the Form Library. as shown below. 

7. Function call on the OnLoad event is the next step. We need to click on the Add button found on the Functions section. So here the function is SDK.DependentOptionSet.init and parameter is our xml config name  "new_SystemsOptionSetConfig.xml"

8. So our Form onload event looks like this.

9.  As the next step we need to configure the function call on the OnChange event of the parent field ( here its Category)

For instance, When we change the Category value, the Sub Category should be populated accordingly.

So double click on the field found on the form design. And click on the Add button as shown below. In this case, we do not need to add Form library as it was added earlier.

10. Here the function call is 


 And parameters are "new_category","new_subcategory"

lets say Okay and press Okay. And our final step is Save the form and publish the form.

11. During testing it was found there was a small syntax error in the SDK.DependentOptionSet.js file.  (One curly bracket was extra. So we need to comment it. Please note that the SDK was Downloaded on 12/10/2013.)  Hopefully this will be resolved in the upcoming SDK release. For our convenience, its explained here. This change could be done either before saving it as webresource OR by editing the webresource. The change is highlighted below.

12. And here is our final apple pie.

13 . In future , if we have some change in the option set values or if we need to append some option set values, all we need to do is amend the option set field in CRM and then update the xml configuration webresource file accordingly. No change required in the js file.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Report Authoring Extension (with SQL Server Data Tools support)

CRM 2013 Report Authoring Extension is useful when we need to develop custom fetch xml based reports using Business Intelligence Development Studio.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Report Authoring Extension (with SQL Server Data Tools support) could be downloaded from the below link.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Helpful Resources

CRM 2013 helpful resources, all in one place. ( Training , downloads, free trials, implementation ) . Highly recommended !


CRM 2013 Customer Center, Implementation Guide and SDK

CRM 2013 Customer Center, Implementation Guide and SDK could be found in the following link.


Friday, 11 October 2013

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Custom Code Validation Tool

Well, CRM 2013 SDK explains it in the best way.

"The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Custom Code Validation Tool is a managed solution that you can install and run to inspect your web resources for issues that might cause your scripts to break with this release. This is a valuable resource to assist in locating potential problems" ( Ref : CRM 2013 SDK )

CRM 2013 Custom code validation tool could be downloaded from the following link.


Thursday, 10 October 2013

Notes in CRM 2013

Notes in CRM 2013 are a bit more cooler than notes in CRM 2011. Lets have a quick walk-through

1. Our no-brainer is here -  Account record.

2. Lets create a sample note. We need to provide a title and then notes ( in CRM 2011, the title of notes was automatically populated) .  As before, we also have the option to attach a file to the note.

3. Please note that we have the options to remove notes / attachments quickly. Also CRM  displays who created the notes and when it was created. Editing an existing notes is also very easy. Its nothing but inline editing. It could be done by just clicking on it.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Quick Create Forms in CRM 2013 OR How to display Quick Create Form for Custom Entities in CRM 2013

Version used for this post : CRM 2013 Online trial

For Quick View Forms in CRM 2013, please refer the following link

As you all know Quick Create Form is a nice a feature in CRM 2011. Lets learn the ropes of Quick Create Form in CRM 2013.

In order to get a better idea, lets consider a custom entity called Budget. 

So we aim to bring the quick create form for Budget in the Quick create Area as shown below. 

1. Firstly we need to do the following Setting on the entity (Budget in this context).

Settings --> Customizations --> Customize the System--> Default Solution ( OR your custom Solution in which Budget entity [ custom entity]  exists) -->Budget entity

Tick the check box Allow Quick Create. Please note that this property ( Allow Quick Create)  could be updated any time. As you know there are some attributes which can not be updated after the entity creation.

2.  Next step is to create a Quick Create Form. Lets navigate to Budget entity --> Forms

And select New Quick Create Form as shown below.

3. In simple words, we could place the most necessary fields of the entity on the Quick Create Form. In this case just name is alright. The next step is our usual CRM no-brainer , SAVE the form and Publish.

4. When we click on the Create we could see the option to create Budget Quick Create Form.

5. And it opens our sample Quick Create Form in CRM 2013.